Friday, July 23, 2010

Rick's Graduation!

I'm exhaustified of not blogging. I'm going to whip myself back into blogging shape.

In May my best-friend-big-brother Rick graduated from Drake Law School. LAW SCHOOL! I'm so proud of him. Just our parents and I were able to attend, and it was really nice to have some time with just the four of us (particularly with no kids needing our attention for just a few days).

Rick and I had a fabulous time just touring around, meeting his friends, laughing at jokes that I'm now certain weren't really that funny, and staying up late watching bad movies.

(On a side note, if you're looking for a comically bad movie, look for Val Kilmer and Adam Lambert starring in The Ten Commandments the musical. I'm not kidding. It exists and it is baaaaad. WE LOVED IT!)

I'm so proud of you Rick!!! Thanks for such a fantastic four days.
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skcoe said...

This just in:

For real. Judy you are beautiful.

Ricky I'm so proud of you and I miss your stinkin' guts. :)

Melinda said...

That last picture is the best thing I have seen in a long time! LOVE IT! Love that your brother is your best friend!

Going to go Netflix "The Ten Commandments. The musical." RIGHT NOW!

Marisa Jean said...

Wow! Graduated from law school. Congrats, Rick.

I'm seriously going to go and get that movie...although I'm not sure Adam Lambert and the 10 Commandments should even be in the same sentence together, let alone on film.

Rick said...

The 10 Comm movie is TERRIBLE!!! I'm lol-ing right now just thinking about it. SOOOOOoooo bad.

And thanks for the 'congrats.' I finished taking the Iowa bar this week. Phew! Now to head to UT for some real fun!

skcoe said...


Learn a lesson here.

Don't post for a few weeks...

Get a new background from your best friend Sheryl.

I'm thinking something very "Goth" next time...

Beau and Rach said...

You look super awesome girlie!!!

Nick and Laura said...

Love the pictures! You guys all look great! Nick says you could also call your blog: "Diamond in the Rough and Tumble" Clever, no?

Your Solamente said...

i like your blog :)

Leah said...

Fantastic! Tell Rick congrats for me and glad you had a great weekend! With a new baby the thought of being without the kids seems remote and fanciful!

phaloo said...

yaar blogs r really good enough pushing me to leave a comment....
keep it up yaar:)
and congratz:)