We went to visit my Grandma's, and Jeff's Grandparent's and sister's graves on Saturday. The weather was perfect. We talked about family history, eternal families, and did rubbings of the headstones. It's an important tradition in my family and we've had to miss it for a couple years so it was nice to participate.
This photo would be so sad if this headstone was for someone we actually knew.
They looked so cute taking break on this gravemarker that I snapped a photo.
Then we all got in there- is that disrespectful? I figured no, because it was family time, but maybe other people looked at us and thought we were horrible.
If you think I'm terrible, don't tell me, what's done is done.
Well, I don't think it was disrespectful, so I think I'm allowed to post a comment! You look great Michelle!!!
I love that we do this as a family. It's so nice to see the kids slowly appreciate their ancestors and where they came from. I don't know if you heard him, but D-bus was freaking out about Elias being in the war of 1812. He had learned about that is school and thought it was awesome that one of his relatives had fought in that war. It was cute. (arms flapping) "Disrespectful in the graveyard." Teehee!
Michelle, you crack me up! I don't think you are disrespectful at all and I love how close you are with your boys. Dave and I hope to have a close-knit family just like yours one day. Chat with you later!
I was going to tell you, you were terrible, but then I decided it would do no good! HA J/K!!! Your hair is getting so long it looks beautiful! You are gorgeous! Love you and miss you!
One of my favorite memories of as a kid was rubbing gravestones. To this day, I still love cememteries for that one reason.
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