Meetins SpongeBob. Truly a dream come true!
Good thing Rick went with us, or we wouldn't have this photo. Thanks Ricky!
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 11:44 AM 6 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 11:37 AM 4 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 11:25 AM 2 comments
This is one of the ways that they discovered to pass the time while we waited in line...again, and again...and again.
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 10:42 AM 0 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 10:21 AM 3 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 10:00 AM 3 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 9:55 AM 3 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 5:18 PM 3 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 5:08 PM 2 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 4:34 PM 1 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 12:05 PM 7 comments
Another thing I love about him (besides his patient, content, and jovial demeanor) is that even though he's not very fat (which I love in babies), he's perfectly soft. Just a few fat creases and dimpled knuckles. When he's just in his diaper I just want to scoop him up and bury my face in his neck. His naked state is what inspired this photo shoot.
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 7:13 PM 8 comments
Three names you go by:
2-Chelle (by my mom and sisters)
3-Sweetheart or Girl (by my cute hubby)
Three things you are wearing right now:
1. New bronze colored shoes
2- ill fitting jeans
3-hand me down shirt from Sara that I love
Three of your favorite things to do:
1-Cuddle with my husband to watch a movie
2- Go on vacation
3-Have girl's night out!
4-take photos of my babies- they're SO photogenic!
Three things you want very badly at the moment:
1- A new house- our two bedroom isn't cutting it anymore.
2- To be on vacation. Do you think I can wait until our trip on March 15?
3-A nap- the time change and sick baby that didn't sleep have left me EXHAUSTED.
Three favorite pets you have had/have
1. Ummm, I had a cat named Sheba as a child- she was mellow and sweet.
2-I got a cat named Ooba when I was 18- she lives with my brother now, I married a man that's allergic to cats.
3- We had froggies when our oldest was about 3yrs. They lived in their own little eco system in a tall vase with a plant. I think they lived off the moss and algae. Then they disappeared slowly. I realized later that they had jumped out of the vase, died, dried up to little raisins and I vacuumed them up. I figured it out when I was about the vacuum up the last one and realized we hadn't had raisins for months- upon inspection of the raisin I discovered the awful truth- but it's kinda funny now.
Three things you did last night:
1. Ate dinner with the fam.
2- Folded laundry with my cute Jeff.
3-Paced the floor with my sick baby until 1:15am.
Three things you ate today:
1. Grapenuts cereal
2-Ummm, diet coke with lime
3-Buffalo chicken and steamed carrots from Harmon's deli- yummmmm
Three people you last talked to:
1. Jeff
2-my sis Laura
3-my SIL Katie
Three longest car rides:
1. To California countless times
2-To St. George with my best friend to go sing at a homecoming of a guy we'd met 2 weeks before. We even stayed with his parents! Yeah, she ended up marrying him. Awwwww.
3-Rick and I drove to a wedding in Georgia. That took FOREVER.
Three favorite holidays:
1. My birthday- my Jeff has gotten very good at planning fun dates for us.
2-4th of July- I don't know why, we don't have exciting plans ever, I just love the patriotic feel or something.
3-Christmas! I love having 6 straight weeks of cinnamon and clove smells and instrumental music and love.
Three favorite beverages:
1. Dr. Pepper
2-water? I do like water.
3-Hot chocolate...mmmmm....comfort food.
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 12:47 PM 2 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 5:19 PM 1 comments
Posted by Babe in Boysland at 10:37 AM 7 comments