Friday, March 28, 2008

The first night there- Our trip

First, I would like to point out that although I'll post a lot of pictures, it won't be anything near the 357 photos I took on this trip.
Also, to view these pictures in chronological order, start from the "And we're back" post and read up.
My parent's both grew up in So. Cal. so a few days before we got there, they arrived to visit with my mom's family (but mostly to be with us). My brother Rick also flew down from Iowa (where he is in law school) to play with us for his spring break! Yay Uncle Ricky! Jeff and I call him Uncle Sucker. The first night we were there, we all met up and walked through Downtown Disney and had dinner.
My Dad and Rick thought that putting the children up in high dangerous places was a brilliant idea. Thanks guys. At least it made a cool picture.
This was Grandma's idea- "stack them on top of each other next to the Lego Giraffe"- Bear bear in the middle cried that he was falling the whole time (even though Uncle Rick and Grandpa were both holding them up).
This was one of those "Mom, take a picture!" moments. How could I not? They were so cute and happy.
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Anonymous said...

Oh how fun! Your a brave woman to drive with four kids, my hero! If you can do it with four, I can do it with one! HA! Looks like you had so much fun! I need a vacation!

cathyisalmostfree said...

Putting the children in danger is only something Rick and Dad could think up. Ok, just kidding. But, you did get some great pictures. I think you need to teach me how to take pictures. I am lame.....