Friday, April 25, 2008

The carnage...the horror...

Strawberries: we love 'em, however, the children are under some sort of an assumption that only the first or second tiny bite of a strawberry is any good.

I should have known better than to leave them out...

Not long after I heard the kiddies scamper from the kitchen, I happened upon this: it looked like some sort of battlefield where the only casualties were poor defenseless strawberries. Their carcasses scattered about, haphazardly, left in cold, juice.
I then hollered at the children that they were supposed to "eat all the red" and that they needed to clean it up. Unfortunately they "didn't hear me" and then they "forgot". Only Jojy returned, who knows why, he piled them up and then smashed and squeezed, completely obliterating them.

Those poor strawberries never even saw it coming.
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mae said...

I would have never thought to take a picture of the carnage left behind...

Like the rising and setting of the sun, Jojy is consistent with his destructive behavior!

skcoe said...

Weren't we just talking about this on an email yesterday? "I forgot" is NOT an excuse!

It really does look like a big giant mess for you to clean up, how FUN.

Nick and Laura said...

Oh my lanta!! (I was channeling D.J. Tanner for that one!) That cute little bugger! I freaking love that they think that only the tip of the strawberry is good. So great and hilarious- only because they're not my kids! If they were, it would be extremely annoying!

Leah said...

Michelle! How great to hear from you and find your blog! It's great hearing stories from other mommys now that I've joined the club. So much to look forward to...hmmm, maybe not the situation in this post exactly.

Leah said...

Oh, and by the way, You look great! And you kids are adorable!

Aubs said...

What a fun mess. Your kids are not the only ones to leave half the strawberry. You are not alone.

Audrey said...

OH MY WORD!!! Isn't it funny how incredibly "forgetful" and "deaf" kids can become when asked to do something...geez and you were just asking them to eat the rest of the tasty wonderfulness left behind. I am seeing a pattern with Jojy...uhh...good luck. I have NO idea how you take care of all these boys and stay so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

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